The Cough epidemic in winter is due to chest infections that inflict more people in the cold season. Cough in winter and chest infections in winter are predominantly caused by viruses that become active during the winter months such as rhinoviruses and coronaviruses.
These viruses are responsible for colds, but they also pave the way for more harmful bacteria and fungus to infect the lungs and cause severe chest infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis. Harmful microbes are all around us but are unable to invade the body because of our powerful immune system. A run down immune system paves the way for harmful bacteria to enter the body and cause disease. The limited sunlight in winter is a contributor to low immunity. Sunlight reacts with the skin to produce precursors of Vitamin D which are converted to active Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system. Take a scan now to ensure to ensure optimum state of health, it’s noninvasive and safe. Visit to get started.
Taking Vitamin D supplements during winter is a guaranteed way to keep the immune system healthy. Although the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is 2,000IU studies indicate that the human body produces over 20,000 IU when exposed to 45 minutes of summer sunlight, that is ten times more than the RDA.
An ideal recommendation for Vitamin D supplements is 10,000IU daily in the winter months. A healthy diet is required to maintain a healthy immunity in winter, and some foods will provide an extra boost to the immune system.
While Yoghurt is a super food for the immune system, especially if it is organic or preferably from goat or sheep. Dairy from Cow may worsen health problems in some people. Yoghurt contains probiotics– beneficial bacteria found in the stomach and gut–that fight harmful bacteria in the gut. Probiotics are also key players in food digestion and produce some nutrients for the body.
Also, fresh fruits and vegetables including oranges, apples, red peppBook a scan nowers are full of Vitamin C, a powerful destroyer of winter viruses. Dr. Paul Linnaeus, a double Nobel Prize winner, demonstrated that high dose Vitamin C kills viruses that cause cold and flu. Vitamin C powder is a useful winter supplement, and will reduce the severity and length of colds and flu if taken regularly.
Nuts and Seeds contain Vitamin E and Selenium that are necessary to keep the immune system healthy. Garlic contains an anti-bacterial chemical called allicin that helps prevent coughs.
Fish such as Tuna and Mackerel as well as flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids that counteract inflammation in the body. Visit the MedB Shop online at for quality supplements. Subscribe to the MedB Magazine for free to get more health tips. Visit
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