There are many different types of moulds. But one of the most toxic and damaging to the human body is the Toxic black mould – Stachybotrys Chartarum.

Like all moulds, the toxic black mould reproduces by spreading its spores into the air. These spores contain a highly allergic substance to the human body called mycotoxins.
The many different strains of moulds produce different types of mycotoxins, and the mycotoxins from the black mould cause intense inflammatory reactions in the human body.

The toxic black mould is the cause of what is now known as ‘Sick Building Syndrome’. These moulds are the reason why some buildings, particularly office buildings cause recurring illnesses in their occupants.

Mycotoxins accumulate in our organs and cause diseases where they are present. The cause symptoms such as Headache, Fatigue, Anxiety, Palpitations, High blood pressure, Hormonal imbalances as well as diseases of the liver, and kidney.

The first step in protecting your home is to search it thoroughly to ensure these moulds are not present, especially if you leave in a damp area close to the sea or in places where the humidity is high. If moulds are present and a serious issue, then it is best to bring in professional mould removers for the job. Inhaling mould spores can cause immediate health problems and worsen existing diseases.

If the infestation is not so severe, then you can do the job yourself. Always wear a mask before dealing with moulds. There are commercial products ( mould remover kits) that are specially made to remove moulds. Alternatively, a solution containing bleach is also an effective black mould remover.

And to prevent further mould infestation, you must keep your home dry. Keep the air fresh, clean and dry by opening windows when possible. Air filters are beneficial. A dehumidifier is helpful for removing the excessive humidity that causes dampness.

If you have inadvertently lived in a house with black mould, then the likelihood that you have mycotoxins in your body is high. And these may be responsible for or exacerbating any health issues you may have. Pectasol is one of the few cellular detox agents available to us, that can remove harmful mycotoxins from the cells and tissues.