This week’s issue examines the medical scandal that is the PSA test. The PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) test is a blood test commonly used to determine the health of the prostate.

But according to the discoverer of the PSA Dr Ablin, using the PSA as a prostate screen is no more accurate than a coin toss. The PSA test is extremely inaccurate, and to make matters worse, it leads to many unnecessary prostate biopsies.

Prostate biopsies are very painful and typically cause infection of the prostate and bladder and even erectile dysfunction. We discuss what to do with a PSA test and most importantly how you can keep the prostate healthy and prevent prostate diseases.

In addition to the main article on the prostate, there are other interesting topics on nutrition, psychology and common illnesses. Subscribe to MedB Magazine for free to enjoy unlimited access to these articles. Visit

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