It is widely known that a diet rich in fresh and natural foods helps the body to fight against cancer because it strengthens the immune system and enables the natural detoxification system to function effectively. Less commonly understood is that certain types of foods are more effective in their cancer-destroying ability because their nutritional profile is particularly dense in elements that are known to kill cancer cells.

The best vegetables for cancer
The cruciferous family of vegetables contain more cancer destroying chemicals than any other family of vegetables. Members of this family include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, bok choy, collard greens, and turnips. They are packed full of a wide variety of nutrients and contain very high levels of vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. These all work together to support the immune system, which is essential to the prevention of cancer. However, what makes cruciferous vegetables special are a group of chemicals called glucosinolates. These sulphur containing compounds give cruciferous vegetables their slightly bitter taste.

During food preparation or chewing of these vegetables, the glucosinolates are converted into a variety of powerful cancer killer compounds such as indole-3 carbinol, thiocyanates, sulforaphanes, etc. These compounds have been extensively studied and found to destroy cancer cells in the body. Several studies show that cruciferous vegetables can help prevent cancers of the prostate, breasts, colon, and lungs. In addition to helping the body treat and prevent cancer, these healing compounds from cruciferous vegetables have antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Are there any side effects?
Cruciferous vegetables are well tolerated by the body, but in some people they may cause flatulence. There is also a suggestion that some of the compounds in cruciferous vegetables may bind to iodine and lead to low thyroid hormones. However, the quantity required for this to happen is very large and impossible to consume on a daily basis.