The skin is the body’s largest organ and it performs a number of different roles, including as a protective barrier and as a key element in the detoxification system. The skin is also the most visible organ as it is the building block of our appearance. Skin problems can range in their severity, from minor spots and rashes to acne and chronically dry skin. More long-term issues include pre-mature aging, ages spots, discolouring, and a loss of elasticity. All of these complaints signal a disruption in the body’s detoxification system or may be a symptom of illness, which is why it is important to investigate the cause of any problems.

´Bad skin’ is a major cause of stress and embarrassment for young people, as this is when we tend to be most self-conscious about our appearance, but it is also a cause for concern in older people because it signals that something is wrong in the body. No matter where you are from or how old you are, clear skin is seen as desirable because it is a sign of good health. It also holds an aesthetic appeal and is coveted by women in all cultures. Your skin therefore plays a huge role in your emotional and physical health, although people’s primary concern may often be with the former.

More than just a pretty face
The skin’s importance, however, reaches far beyond its beauty. It is the body’s largest organ and is crucial for our overall health. Perhaps its most obvious function is as a protective barrier between our insides and our environment. Without it, we would be exposed to every single bacterium and vulnerable to the slightest of knocks. The skin also plays a seminal role in the detoxification system as it excretes waste out of the body through our sweat. In addition to this, perspiration regulates our body temperature, which keeps us cool and ensures that we do not overheat.

Our skin is therefore the first line of defence against harmful toxins and microbes, but these same harmful environmental factors can damage it and cause illness. To protect itself, the skin has highly effective defence processes that help it cope with microorganisms and allergens, but these all depend on a healthy immune system. Medical literature has long since acknowledged that a low or dysfunctional immune system is a major cause of skin problems such as allergies, pigmentation problems, and skin cancer.

The importance of the immune system
The immune system protects the body against harmful microbes such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and even parasites. Furthermore, it plays a role in preventing allergies triggered by contaminants or toxins. People with a hypersensitive immune system will have allergic reactions that can be caused both by environmental toxins and toxins from microorganisms, especially bacteria such as streptococcus and parasites such as mites.

The scans carried out at Medb show that many people with all kinds of skin problems including discolorations, psoriasis, eczema, skin formations and patches, have active microorganisms present in their body. Two of the most common ones that we have observed are the herpes virus and papilloma viruses. These viruses lay dormant in the body and wait for the immune system to become dysfunctional before they erupt and cause their respective symptoms. During a breakout, these microbes can be detected on the surface of the skin and hair, but when laying low they will be difficult to pick up without using internal tests.

A serious problem in the treatment of nearly all types of skin problems is that corticosteroids are the go-to medication. It is well known that these steroids suppress the immune system and thin the skin. In fact, skin-thinning will be listed on the information booklet that accompanies corticosteroids as a known side effect and most good doctors will warn against their long-term use on delicate areas, such as the face. What this effectively means is that most of the conventional therapies for treating skin problems will worsen the condition over time.

Often skin problems must be treated from inside before they can be managed. Where they are caused by a weakened immune system, strengthening it will improve or treat the associated skin condition. The most effective therapy for treating a wide range of microbes is colloidal silver. One of the major benefits of this substance is that it does not cause any unpleasant side effects, unlike corticosteroids. Colloid silver can be applied directly to the skin to treat the surface microbes. It also accelerates skin healing and treats any damage caused by microbes.

Another important measure when trying to improve the health of your skin is to ensure that you have a high standard of personal hygiene. We should all shower or bathe regularly, especially after engaging in exercise and swimming, and avoid using heavily scented soaps and shampoos. Those who suffer from skin problems should wash their bedding and towels on the highest temperature their washing machine offers, especially if they have pets. Non-biological washing powders are preferable to biological ones, as these contain harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin.